
We will have keynote talks from the following world-leading researchers.

Keynote Talk Speakers

Dr. Dustin Moody

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Keynote Talk I: TBD



Photo Prof. Thomas Peyrin

Professor at the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore

Keynote Talk II: TBD



Photo Prof. Andreas Rauber

Professor at the Data Science Research Unit at the Department of Information Systems Engineering at the Vienna University of Technology and Head of the Vienna Scientific Cluster Research Center

Keynote Talk III: Securely Working with Confidential Data: Threats and Mitigations across Layers from Infrastructure to AI Models


Data could be the key driver of development and innovation. Yet, sensitivity or confidentiality constraints frequently hinder utilizing it to its fullest potential. In settings where data cannot be shared, thus relinquishing control over its use and distribution, how can we still enable data processing and use? Can sensitive or confidential data and research results obtained be FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reuseable)? What threats exist at which layers of the infrastructure and in which steps of data analysis workflows?

In this talk we will take a look at the threats and requirements for processing sensitive or confidential data. We will start from the data infrastructure level, reviewing current approaches and safeguards in setting up trusted research environments (TREs) that enable data visiting and secure compute. We will then specifically take a look at the threats resulting from training deep neural network type machine learning models, considering disclosure risks such as membership inference attacks, data exfiltration or model stealing attacks and approaches to protect against these.