
Contest sign-up information

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Rules for participation

Contest overview

In this contest, you are to anonymize traces (i.e., movement history data that is a set of location data) while balancing the utility and privacy of the anonymized traces.

PWS Cup 2019 image

There are two phases in the contest.

In the data anonymizing phase, you are to anonymize traces so as to make the traces resistant to ID disclosure attack (i.e., re-identification of the original user) and trace inference attack (i.e., restoring the original location data). You also need to try to preserve the characteristics of the original traces as much as you can when you anonymize them.

In the ID disclosure & trace inference phase, you are to assess anonymized traces submitted by other participants. You are expected to assess the privacy level of the anonymized traces by attempting to re-identify the original users and to restore the original location data in the traces.


How to sign-up
