

コンテストデータ NHANES 2015-2016とは?

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(NHANES)1 国民健康栄養調査は,米国の成人と子供の健康と栄養状態を評価する調査プログラムです.本調査は,被験者の問診と診断結果から構成されています.NHANES2は,米国疾病予防管理センター(CDC)の国立衛生統計センター(NCHS)が実施しています.NCHSは,CDCの下部組織であり,国民の健康に関する統計量を主管しています.


PWS Cup 2021コンテストではコンテストデータとして ”NHANES 2015-2016” を用います.コンテスト参加者はコンテストデータを米国CDCのWebサイト3から直接ダウンロードできますのでご承知おきください。

なお、”NHANES 2015-2016”の調査プロトコルとデータ収集方法は、NHANES Institutional Review Board(IRB) NCHS Research Ethics Review Board(ERB)によって承認(プロトコル#2011 -17)4されており、趣旨に沿ったデータの分析には、追加の倫理委員会IRBの承認や被験者のインフォームドコンセントは必要ありません。



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data. Hyattsville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, [appropriate year][web URL].

PWS Cup 2021 匿名化データの制約

PWS Cup 2021コンテストにおいて,参加者はNHANESから生成された匿名化データを提出し,互いの匿名化データから出来るだけ多くのレコードを再識別することを求められています.NHANESは匿名加工情報ではありませんが,個人情報保護法6 38条 (識別行為の禁止)に抵触する潜在的な可能性を避けるため,PWS Cup 実行委員会は,他の参加者から提供されたデータはコンテスト参加者間でのみ共有し,外部へは開示しないことを奨励致します.

コンテストから解析したデータを含む論文の出版は奨励します.我々はNANESと同様にPWS Cup 2021を用いたデータの研究を奨励しています.なぜならば,それこそが疾患の有病率と危険因子を予測することに貢献するに違いないと考えるからです.


Dear contest participants

About the contest data set

What is the data "NHANES 2015-2016"?

The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)7 is a program of studies designed to assess the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the United States. The survey is unique in that it combines interviews and physical examinations. NHANES is a major program of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). NCHS is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and has the responsibility for producing vital and health statistics for the Nation.

NHANES studies are used to determine the prevalence of major illnesses and risk factors for illness, and to assess the association of nutritional status with health promotion and disease prevention, developing sound public health policies, health programs. It is useful for directing and designing services and services, and for expanding national health knowledge.

In the contest PWS Cup 2021, "NHANES 2015-2016" is used as the contest data. Contest participants can download the data directly from the US CDC website 8.

The survey protocol and data collection methods for this present study were approved by the NHANES Institutional Review Board (IRB), and the NCHS Research Ethics Review Board (ERB) (Protocol #2011-17)9. All of the NHANES data were de-identified and analysis of the data by independent researchers does not require further Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval or subject informed consent.

How to cite the NHANES data?

Generally, data and materials produced by Federal agencies are in the public domain and may be reproduced without permission. When publishing any material using the NHANES data, CDC suggests the following citation style: 10

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data. Hyattsville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,[appropriate year][web URL].

Restriction of the PWS Cup 2021 anonymized data

In the competition PWS Cup 2021, all participants are required to submit their anonymized data produced from the NHANES and instructed to try to re-identify records as many as possible from the anonymized data each other. For avoiding a potential violation of Article 38 (prohibition against the Act of identifying), Japanese Act on the Protection of Personal Information 11 , the PWS Cup execution committee suggests participants to share the data given from the other participants within the participants and not to disclose others.

Note that the disclosing the data does not intent a publication including the analyzed results from the data for academic studies. We encourage to publish the study using the PWS Cup 2021 as well as the NHANES because it must contribute to determine the prevalence of major illnesses and risk factors for illness.

  1. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhanes.htm

  2. 「エヌヘインズ」

  3. CDC ”NHANES 2015-2016”

  4. NCHS Research Ethics Review Board (ERB) Approval https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhanes/irba98.htm

  5. https://wwwn.cdc.gov/nchs/nhanes/NhanesCitation.aspx

  6. 個人情報の保護に関する法律 (平成15年法律第57号).平成27年法律第65号及び平成28年法律第51号,令和2年法法律第44号. Personal Information Protection Commission, Japan, “Amended Act on the Protection of Personal Information”, June 2020. https://www.ppc.go.jp/files/pdf/APPI_english.pdf

  7. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhanes.htm

  8. CDC ”NHANES 2015-2016”

  9. NCHS Research Ethics Review Board (ERB) Approval https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhanes/irba98.htm

  10. https://wwwn.cdc.gov/nchs/nhanes/NhanesCitation.aspx

  11. 個人情報の保護に関する法律 (平成15年法律第57号).平成27年法律第65号及び平成28年法律第51号,令和2年法法律第44号. Personal Information Protection Commission, Japan, “Amended Act on the Protection of Personal Information”, June 2020. https://www.ppc.go.jp/files/pdf/APPI_english.pdf