Data Anonymization Competition

iPWS Cup 2023

What's new

Useful links for competitions

Rules (overview)


In the story of iPWS Cup 2023, we intend to provide health data that contain diagnostic outcomes to researchers who study to predict risks of acquiring diabetes. The data contain records that include extreme high body-mass index (BMI). In the anonymization phase, each participating team of the iPWS Cup 2023 anonymizes health data in order to prevent identifying medical examinees. In the attack phase, each team checks whether anonymized data generated by other teams include their team's records or not. Once the inclusion is detected, identify the record from the anonymized data. The winner of the iPWS Cup 2023 will be a team that generated the most secure and useful health data.

iPWS Cup 2023 schedule

Date Event
May 14th - June 7th, 2023. Team registration(Extended)
June 12th - June 21st, 2023. Preliminary round 1 Anonymization (10 days)
June 28th - July 7th, 2023. Preliminary round 2 Attack (10 days)
July 17th - July 31st, 2023. Final round 1 Anonymization (2 weeks)
Aug. 7th - Aug. 21st, 2023. Final round 2 Attack (2 weeks)
Aug. 29th 28th 15:00-18:00(JST) 2023.   Final presentation in Yokohama (Day 0).

Please also refer to the IWSEC 2023 Program page.

Final presentation

Final Presentation Program

  1. Opening
    1. Welcome address Hiroaki Kikuchi 15:00
    2. Summary and Result Makoto Iguchi 15:10
  2. Talks by excellent teams(The order will be arranged at the session. Each talk is assigned for 10 minutes.)
    1. KUdisc
    2. Gunmataro116luxury
    3. Take No Consensus
    4. LIFAnonymous
    5. THREE
    6. Seven Team
    7. (and more)
  3. Award ceremony
    1. Group photo
  4. Closing
    1. Hiroaki Kikuchi, and Koji Chida

We will hold a reception as a social gathering of iPWS Cup participants on Aug. 28th at 19:00(JST).
If you wish to attend, please contact secretary-ipwscup2023(at) (replace (at) with @) by Aug. 21st. We will reply with more information.

Group photos

01, 02

Other photos

03, 04, 05, 06


How to participate in the iPWS Cup 2023

Team requirement

How to apply for the competition

  1. Sign up on CodaLab since we are planning to run our competition on this open-source platform. Each team needs to create one account.[Quick guidance on how to sign-up]
  2. Fill in the [team registration form].
  3. Wait for the competition to be ready. Once ready, we will announce it to you with further instructions on how to participate in the competition.

How to play the anonymization phase (preliminary round)

  1. Your set of 10 healthcare data will be sent to the email address specified at the registration.
  2. Log-in the competition platform, CodaLab, with using your team’s CodaLab account that you have already signed in and submitted from the registration. This site will serve as your primary platform for accessing competition guidelines and submitting your work.
  3. Follow the steps the instruction manual (Applying to the competition, Setting your team names, and Anonymization phase instructions). It assists you in navigating the competition.

Participating teams

Team ID Team name Message to competitors
01 KUdisc Yesterday's friend is today's enemy.
02 nssol-alchemist Let's gooooo
03 NYCU Questers 一緒に頑張りましょう! (Translated: Best of luck for all of us!)
04 Gunmataro116luxury -
05 Take No Consensus Victory!!!
06 DOG I'll do my best
07 LIFAnonymous -
08 THREE -
09 imutG Open our arms & embrace the world
10 Seven Team -

Final Result




Hiroaki Kikuchi, Meiji University, Japan
Makoto Iguchi, Kii Corporation, Japan
Atsushi Kuromasa, Data Society Aliance, Japan
Koji Chida, Gunma University, Japan
Yuichi Nakamura, SoftBank Corp., Japan
Takuma Hatano, NS Solutions Corporation, Japan
Koki Hamada, NTT Social Informatics Laboratories, Japan
Wakana Maeda, LINE, Japan
Akira Yamada, Kobe University, Japan
Takayuki Miura, NTT Social Informatics Laboratories, Japan
MA Ruiqiang, Meiji University, Japan
Chia-Mu Yu, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Hiromi Arai, RIKEN, Japan
Hiroto Eguchi, TOPPAN, Japan
Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Catalonia
Alberto Blanco-Justicia, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Catalonia
Najeeb Jebreel, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Catalonia
Isaac Agudo, University of Malaga, Spain
Ruben Rios, University of Malaga, Spain


iPWS Cup Committee
secretary-ipwscup2023(at) (replace (at) with @)