
これまで、セキュリティ心理学とトラスト(SPT)研究会では、プライバシーとセキュリティのユーザビリティについての国際会議Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS)で発表された論文の発表内容把握のためのイベントとしてSOUPS論文読破会を2011年より開催してきました。 ユーザブルセキュリティ・プライバシーの分野はSOUPSを中心に世界的な発展を見せ、SOUPSへの投稿数と採録数も上昇が続いています。 加えて、セキュリティの難関国際会議でもこれらの分野の論文が多く発表されるようになり、裾野は確実に広がっています。 そこで、本分野の最先端を幅広く把握するために、SOUPS以外の国際会議も広く対象会議とし、SOUPS論文読破会を発展させたイベントとしてユーザブルセキュリティ・プライバシー論文読破会を開催することといたしました。 本読破会では、参加者同士で協力して発表論文を読破し、内容を紹介することで参加者が本分野の最先端論文を網羅的に把握することを目指します。 また最先端研究を知ることを通してSPT研究会が対象とする分野の国内研究の底上げを図ります。


日時:平成30年11月27日(火)10:00~17:30 (受付9:30~) 

会場:理化学研究所 革新知能統合研究センター(AIP)
  〒103-0027 東京都中央区日本橋1-4-1 日本橋一丁目三井ビルディング 15階

主催:情報処理学会 セキュリティ心理学とトラスト(SPT) 研究会 


発表者 1,000円
研究会登録会員 2,000円
情報処理学会学生会員 1,000円
一般(非会員) 3,000円



場所 MASTER’S DREAM HOUSE (マスターズドリームハウス)
時間 18:00-20:00
会費 4,500円

発表者募集 (締め切りました)

本勉強会で,論文を報告していただける方を募集します. 1論文につき15分程度(質疑込み)でご紹介ください. 紹介のスライドを事前にお送りいただいて,当日の参加者に配布いたします.



発表ご希望の方は,次のアドレスに電子メールをお送りください. uspread 【アットマーク】klab.is.sci.toho-u.ac.jp (【アットマーク】は@に置換えてください。 )




  1. 氏名
  2. 所属(会社名等。学生の場合は学校名)
  3. メールアドレス
  4. 希望する論文
  5. 懇親会の出欠


メール受付後,順次,担当する論文を決定させていただきます. 担当が決まった論文は,担当者より発表者にご連絡し,本ページ上でもアナウンスいたします.



(メールは自動返信ではないので,すぐにはお手元に届きません.) uspread 【アットマーク】klab.is.sci.toho-u.ac.jp




  1. 氏名
  2. 所属(会社名等。学生の場合は学校名)
  3. メールアドレス
  4. SPT研究会会員・非会員の別
  5. 懇親会の出欠



研究会非会員の方は,この機会にSPT研究会会員登録をお薦めします. 学会員の方の登録費は4,320円です!
情報処理学会に入会するためには,別途,入会金,年会費が必要になります. なお,非会員の方でも研究会登録することができます. その場合の研究会登録費は,5,400円です.



時間 セッション名 発表タイトル 発表者氏名 発表者所属
10:00-10:15 Opening 開会、SOUPS2018参加報告 金岡晃 東邦大学
時間 セッション名 発表タイトル 発表者氏名 発表者所属
10:15-10:30 Web
座長: <未定>
"This Website Uses Cookies": Users' Perceptions and Reactions to the Cookie Disclaimer 坂本一仁 セコム
10:30-10:45 An Experience Sampling Study of User Reactions to Browser Warnings in the Field 須賀祐治 IIJ
10:45-11:00 Away From Prying Eyes: Analyzing Usage and Understanding of Private Browsing ALTANGINJ TUMENGEREL 電通大
11:00-11:15 Examining the Demand for Spam: Who Clicks? 鈴木悠 ラック
11:15-11:30 Forgotten But Not Gone: Identifying the Need for Longitudinal Data Management in Cloud Storage 大木哲史 静岡大
11:30-13:00 休憩
13:00-13:15 ユーザー行動原理
座長: <未定>
Detecting semantic social engineering attacks with the weakest link: Implementation and empirical evaluation of a human-as-a-security-sensor framework 今田寛 電通大
13:15-13:30 When is a Tree Really a Truck? Exploring Mental Models of Encryption 尾崎敏司 筑波大/トレンドマイクロ
13:30-13:45 "It's Scary…It's Confusing…It's Dull": How Cybersecurity Advocates Overcome Negative Perceptions of Security 寺田剛陽 富士通研
13:45-14:00 Sonification in Security Operations Centres: What do Security Practitioners Think? 八木毅 NTTセキュリティ・ジャパン
14:00-14:15 API Blindspots: Why Experienced Developers Write Vulnerable Code 渡邊裕治 日本IBM
14:15-14:30 休憩
14:30-14:45 認証
座長: <未定>
"IllusionPIN: Shoulder-Surfing Resistant Authentication Using Hybrid Images" 菊池彩子 宇都宮大
14:45-15:00 Work-In-Progress: Performance of Eyes-Free Mobile Authentication 田中雄也 宇都宮大
15:00-15:15 A Security Analysis of Honeywords 山岸伶 電通大
15:15-15:30 It's not actually that horrible": Exploring Adoption of Two-Factor Authentication at a University 田崎来実 長崎県立大
15:30-15:45 休憩
15:45-16:00 プライバシー
座長: <未定>
Online Privacy and Aging of Digital Artifacts 金森祥子 NICT
16:00-16:15 Privacy Lies: Understanding How, When, and Why People Lie to Protect Their Privacy in Multiple Online Contexts 長谷川彩子 NTT
16:15-16:30 Privacy is not for me, it's for those rich women": Performative Privacy Practices on Mobile Phones by Women in South Asia 滝澤友里 津田塾大
16:30-16:45 Polisis: Automated Analysis and Presentation of Privacy Policies Using Deep Learning 香川椋平 セコム
16:45-17:00 Rethinking Home Network Security 米澤祥子 レピダム
16:45-17:00 その他関連論文の紹介 金岡晃 東邦大
17:15-17:30 Closing 閉会挨拶 金岡晃 東邦大学


NDSS 2018 (会議のWebサイト)

Didn’t You Hear Me? – Towards More Successful Web Vulnerability Notifications
Ben Stock (CISPA, Saarland University), Giancarlo Pellegrino (CISPA, Saarland University and Stanford University), Frank Li (UC Berkeley), Michael Backes (CISPA, Saarland University), and Christian Rossow (CISPA, Saarland University)
rtCaptcha: A Real-Time CAPTCHA Based Liveness Detection System
Erkam Uzun (Georgia Institute of Technology), Simon Pak Ho Chung (Georgia Institute of Technology), Irfan Essa (Georgia Institute of Technology), and Wenke Lee (Georgia Institute of Technology)
A Security Analysis of Honeywords
Ding Wang (Peking University), Haibo Cheng (Peking University), Ping Wang (Peking University), Jeff Yan (Linkoping University), and Xinyi Huang (Fujian Normal University)
Broken Fingers: On the Usage of the Fingerprint API in Android
Antonio Bianchi (University of California, Santa Barbara), Yanick Fratantonio (University of California, Santa Barbara, EURECOM), Aravind Machiry (University of California, Santa Barbara), Christopher Kruegel (University of California, Santa Barbara), Giovanni Vigna (University of California, Santa Barbara), Simon Pak Ho Chung (Georgia Institute of Technology), and Wenke Lee (Georgia Institute of Technology)
K-means++ vs. Behavioral Biometrics: One Loop to Rule Them All
Parimarjan Negi (Stanford University), Prafull Sharma (Stanford University), Vivek sanjay Jain (Stanford University), and Bahman Bahmani (Stanford University)
ABC: Enabling Smartphone Authentication with Built-in Camera
Zhongjie Ba (University at Buffalo, State University of New York), Sixu Piao (University at Buffalo, State University of New York), Xinwen Fu (University of Central Florida), Dimitrios Koutsonikolas (University at Buffalo, State University of New York), Aziz Mohaisen (University of Central Florida), and Kui Ren (University at Buffalo, State University of New York)
Device Pairing at the Touch of an Electrode
Marc Roeschlin (University of Oxford), Ivan Martinovic (University of Oxford), and Kasper B. Rasmussen (University of Oxford)
Face Flashing: a Secure Liveness Detection Protocol based on Light Reflections
Di Tang (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Zhe Zhou (Fudan University), Yinqian Zhang (Ohio State University), and Kehuan Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
When Coding Style Survives Compilation: De-anonymizing Programmers from Executable Binaries
Aylin Caliskan (Princeton University), Fabian Yamaguchi (Shiftleft Inc), Edwin Dauber (Drexel University), Richard Harang (Sophos), Konrad Rieck (TU Braunschweig), Rachel Greenstadt (Drexel University), and Arvind Narayanan (Princeton University)

USEC 2018 (会議のWebサイト)

Exploring Website Location as a Security Indicator
Der-Yeuan Yu, Elizabeth Stobert, David Basin and Srdjan Capkun
User Context: An Explanatory Variable in Phishing Susceptibility
Kristen Greene, Michelle Steves, Mary Theofanos and Jennifer Kostick
Sonification in Security Operations Centres: What do Security Practitioners Think?
Louise Axon, Bushra Alahmadi, Jason R. C. Nurse, Michael Goldsmith and Sadie Creese
TinPal: An Enhanced Interface for Pattern Locks
Harshal Tupsamudre, Sukanya Vaddepalli, Vijayanand Banahatti and Sachin Lodha
Towards Understanding Connections between Security/Privacy Attitudes and Unlock Authentication
Adam Aviv and Ravi Kuber
Quantifying Users’ Beliefs about Software Updates
Arunesh Mathur, Nathan Malkin, Marian Harbach, Eyal Peer and Serge Egelman
Work-In-Progress: Performance of Eyes-Free Mobile Authentication
Flynn Wolf, Adam Aviv and Ravi Kuber
Work in Progress: Usable Security vs. Workflow Realities
Jim Blythe, Vijay Kothari, Sean Smith and Ross Koppel
A Survey Of the Privacy Preferences and Practices of Iranian Users of Telegram
Elham Vaziripour, Reza Farahbakhsh, Mark O’Neill, Justin Wu, Kent Seamons and Daniel Zappala
Metaphors considered harmful? An exploratory study of the effectiveness of functional metaphors for end-to-end encryption
Albese Demjaha, Jonathan Spring, Ingolf Becker, Simon Parkin and Angela Sasse
Exploring Parents’ Security and Privacy Concerns and Practices
Abdulmajeed Alqhatani and Heather Lipford

ACM CHI 2018 (会議のWebサイト)

Keeping a Low Profile? Technology, Risk and Privacy among Undocumented Immigrants
Tamy Guberek (University of Michigan), Allison McDonald (University of Michigan), Sylvia Simoni (University of Michigan), Abraham H. Mhaidli (University of Michigan), Kentaro Toyama (University of Michigan), Florian Schaub (University of Michigan)
Unpacking Perceptions of Data-Driven Inferences Underlying Online Targeting and Personalization
Claire Dolin (University of Chicago), Ben Weinshel (University of Chicago), Shawn Shan (University of Chicago), Chang Min Hahn (University of Chicago), Euirim Choi (University of Chicago), Michelle L. Mazurek (University of Maryland), Blase Ur (University of Chicago)
An Experimental Study of Cryptocurrency Market Dynamics
Peter M Krafft (MIT), Nicolas Della Penna (Australian National University), Alex Pentland (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Making Sense of Blockchain Applications: A Typology for HCI
Chris Elsden (Northumbria University), Arthi Manohar (Northumbria University), Jo Briggs (Northumbria University), Mike Harding (Lancaster University), Chris Speed (University of Edinburgh), John Vines (Northumbria University)
Breaking! A Typology of Security and Privacy News and How It’s Shared
Sauvik Das (Georgia Institute of Technology), Joanne Lo (Carnegie Mellon University), Laura Dabbish (Carnegie Mellon University), Jason Hong (Carnegie Mellon University)
“We Are the Product”: Public Reactions to Online Data Sharing and Privacy Controversies in the Media
Casey Fiesler (University of Colorado), Blake Hallinan (University of Colorado Boulder)
Not Even Past: Information Aging and Temporal Privacy in Online Social Networks
Oshrat Ayalon (Tel Aviv University), Eran Toch (Tel Aviv University)
The Use of Private Mobile Phones at War: Accounts From the Donbas Conflict
Irina Shklovski (IT University of Copenhagen; University of Siegen), Volker Wulf (University of Siegen)
Co-designing Mobile Online Safety Applications with Children
Brenna McNally (University of Maryland), Priya Kumar (University of Maryland), Chelsea Hordatt (University of Maryland), Matthew Louis Mauriello (University of Maryland; University of Maryland), Shalmali Naik (University of Maryland), Leyla Norooz (University of Maryland), Alazandra Shorter (University of Maryland), Evan Golub (University of Maryland; University of Maryland), Allison Druin (University of Maryland)
Contextualizing Privacy Decisions for Better Prediction (and Protection)
Primal Wijesekera (University of British Columbia), Joel Reardon (University of Calgary), Irwin Reyes (International Computer Science Institute), Lynn Tsai (University of California (Berkeley), Jung-Wei Chen (Good Research (Inc), Nathan Good (Good Research (Inc.), David Wagner (Berkeley), Konstantin Beznosov (University of British Columbia), Serge Egelman (Berkeley; International Computer Science Institute)
Privacy Lies: Understanding How, When, and Why People Lie to Protect Their Privacy in Multiple Online Contexts
Shruti Sannon (Cornell University), Natalya N Bazarova (Cornell University), Dan Cosley (Cornell University)
“This App Would Like to Use Your Current Location to Better Serve You”: Importance of User Assent and System Transparency in Personalized Mobile Services
Tsai-Wei Chen (United Health), S. Shyam Sundar (The Pennsylvania State University)
Improving User Confidence in Concept Maps: Exploring Data Driven Explanations
Pierre Le Bras (Heriot-Watt University), David A. Robb (Heriot-Watt University), Thomas S Methven (Heriot-Watt University), Stefano Padilla (Heriot-Watt University), Mike J Chantler (Heriot-Watt University)
Balancing Privacy and Information Disclosure in Interactive Record Linkage with Visual Masking
Eric D Ragan (Texas A&M University), Hye-Chung Kum (Texas A&M University), Gurudev Ilangovan (Texas A&M University), Han Wang (Texas A&M University)
Examining the Demand for Spam: Who Clicks?
Elissa M Redmiles (University of Maryland), Neha Chachra (Facebook), Brian Waismeyer (Facebook)
Increasing User Attention with a Comic-based Policy
Madiha Tabassum (University of North Carolina at Charlotte), Abdulmajeed Alqhatani (University of North Carolina at Charlotte), Marran Aldossari (University of North Carolina at Charlotte), Heather Lipford (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
Who Provides Phishing Training? Facts, Stories, and People Like Me
Rick Wash (Michigan State University), Molly M Cooper (Michigan State University; Nova Southeastern University)
X-Ray Refine: Supporting the Exploration and Refinement of Information Exposure Resulting from Smartphone Apps
Max G. Van Kleek (University of Oxford), Reuben Binns (University of Oxford), Jun Zhao (University of Oxford), Adam Slack (University of Oxford), Sauyon Lee (University of Oxford), Dean Ottewell (University of Oxford), Nigel Shadbolt (University of Oxford)
Evolving the Ecosystem of Personal Behavioral Data
Jason Wiese (University of Utah), Sauvik Das (Georgia Institute of Technology), Jason Hong (Carnegie Mellon University), John Zimmerman (Carnegie Mellon University)
Leveraging Semantic Transformation to Investigate Password Habits and Their Causes
Ameya Hanamsagar (USC), Simon S Woo (SUNY Korea), Chris Kanich (University of Illinois), Jelena Mirkovic (USC/ISI)
Influences of Human Cognition and Visual Behavior on Password Strength during Picture Password Composition
Christina Katsini (University of Patras), Christos Fidas (University of Patras), George Raptis (University of Patras), Marios Belk (Cognitive UX GmbH; University of Cyprus), George Samaras (University of Cyprus), Nikolaos Avouris (University of Patras)
Evaluating Attack and Defense Strategies for Smartphone PIN Shoulder Surfing
Hassan Khan (University of Waterloo), Urs Hengartner (University of Waterloo), Daniel Vogel (University of Waterloo)
"It's not actually that horrible": Exploring Adoption of Two-Factor Authentication at a University
Jessica Colnago (Carnegie Mellon University), Summer Devlin (UC Berkeley), Maggie Oates (Carnegie Mellon University), Chelse Swoopes (Carnegie Mellon University), Lujo Bauer (Carnegie Mellon University), Lorrie Faith Cranor (Carnegie Mellon University), Nicolas Christin (Carnegie Mellon University)
Security During Application Development: an Application Security Expert Perspective
Tyler W. Thomas (University of North Carolina at Charlotte), Madiha Tabassum (University of North Carolina at Charlotte), Bill Chu (University of North Carolina at Charlotte), Heather Lipford (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
Forgotten But Not Gone: Identifying the Need for Longitudinal Data Management in Cloud Storage
Mohammad Taha Khan (University of Illinois at Chicago), Maria Hyun (University of Chicago), Chris Kanich (University of Illinois at Chicago), Blase Ur (University of Chicago)
What Did I Really Vote For? On the Usability of Verifiable E-Voting Schemes
Karola Marky (Technische Universität Darmstadt), Oksana Kulyk (Technische Universität Darmstadt), Karen Renaud (Abertay University; University of South Africa), Melanie Volkamer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Technische Universität Darmstadt)
An Experience Sampling Study of User Reactions to Browser Warnings in the Field
Robert W Reeder (Google (Inc.), Adrienne Porter Felt (Google), Sunny Consolvo (Inc.), Nathan Malkin (Berkeley), Christopher Thompson (Berkeley), Serge Egelman (Berkeley; International Computer Science Institute)

EuroUSEC 2018 (会議のWebサイト)

User Perception and Expectations on Deleting Instant Messages —or— "What Happens If I Press This Button?"
Theodor Schnitzler, Christine Utz, Florian Farke, Christina Pöpper, Markus Dürmuth
"This Website Uses Cookies": Users' Perceptions and Reactions to the Cookie Disclaimer
Oksana Kulyk, Nina Gerber, Annika Hilt, Melanie Volkamer
A Usability Study of Secure Email Deletion
Tyler Monson, Joshua Reynolds, Trevor Smith, Scott Ruoti, Daniel Zappala, Kent Seamons
Rethinking Home Network Security
Norbert Nthala, Ivan Flechais
Consolidating Principles and Patterns for Human-centred Usable Security Research and Development
Luigi Lo Iacono, Matthew Smith, Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Peter Leo Gorski, Peter Nehren
The Role of Privacy Violations in Privacy Calculu
Maija Poikela, Sebastian Möller
What Can't Data Be Used For? User Privacy Expectations about Smart TVs
Nathan Malkin, Julia Bernd, Maritza Johnson, Serge Egelman
Permission Impossible: Teaching Firewall Configuration in a Game Environment
Sibylle Sehl, Kami Vaniea
The 'Retailio' Privacy Wizard: Assisting Users with Privacy Settings for Intelligent Retail Stores
Frederic Raber, David Ziemann, Antonio Krueger

IEEE Symp. on Security and Privacy 2018 (会議のWebサイト)

EyeTell: Video-Assisted Touchscreen Keystroke Inference from Eye Movements
Yimin Chen (Arizona State University),Tao Li (Arizona State University),Rui Zhang (University of Delaware),Yanchao Zhang (Arizona State University),Terri Hedgpeth (Arizona State University)
Hackers vs. Testers: A Comparison of Software Vulnerability Discovery Processes
Daniel Votipka (University of Maryland),Rock Stevens (University of Maryland),Elissa Redmiles (University of Maryland),Jeremy Hu (University of Maryland),Michelle Mazurek (University of Maryland)
Towards Security and Privacy for Multi-User Augmented Reality: Foundations with End Users
Kiron Lebeck (University of Washington),Kimberly Ruth (University of Washington),Tadayoshi Kohno (University of Washington),Franziska Roesner (University of Washington)
Computer Security and Privacy for Refugees in the United States
Lucy Simko (University of Washington),Ada Lerner (Wellesley College),Samia Ibtasam (University of Washington),Franziska Roesner (University of Washington),Tadayoshi Kohno (University of Washington)
On Enforcing the Digital Immunity of a Large Humanitarian Organization
Stevens Le Blond (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne),Alejandro Cuevas (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne),Juan Ramón Troncoso-Pastoriza (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne),Philipp Jovanovic (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne),Bryan Ford (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne),Jean-Pierre Hubaux (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
The Rise of the Citizen Developer: Assessing the Security Impact of Online App Generators
Marten Oltrogge (CISPA, Saarland University),Erik Derr (CISPA, Saarland University),Christian Stransky (CISPA, Saarland University),Yasemin Acar (Leibniz University Hannover),Sascha Fahl (Leibniz University Hannover),Christian Rossow (CISPA, Saarland University),Giancarlo Pellegrino (CISPA, Saarland University, Stanford University),Sven Bugiel (CISPA, Saarland University),Michael Backes (CISPA, Saarland University)
Tracking Certificate Misissuance in the Wild
Deepak Kumar (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign),Zhengping Wang (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign),Matthew Hyder (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign),Joseph Dickinson (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign),Gabrielle Beck (University of Michigan),David Adrian (University of Michigan),Joshua Mason (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign),Zakir Durumeric (University of Michigan),J. Alex Halderman (University of Michigan),Michael Bailey (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
On the Economics of Offline Password Cracking
Jeremiah Blocki (Purdue University),Benjamin Harsha (Purdue University),Samson Zhou (Purdue University)
A Tale of Two Studies: The Best and Worst of YubiKey Usability
Joshua Reynolds (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Trevor Smith (Brigham Young University), Ken Reese (Brigham Young University), Luke Dickinson (Brigham Young University), Scott Ruoti (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Kent Seamons (Brigham Young University)

SOUPS 2018 (会議のWebサイト)

Replication Study: A Cross-Country Field Observation Study of Real World PIN Usage at ATMs and in Various Electronic Payment Scenarios
Melanie Volkamer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Technische Universität Darmstadt; Andreas Gutmann, OneSpan Innovation Centre and University College London; Karen Renaud, Abertay University, University of South Africa, and University of Glasgow; Paul Gerber, Technische Universität Darmstadt; Peter Mayer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Technische Universität Darmstadt
User Behaviors and Attitudes Under Password Expiration Policies
Hana Habib and Pardis Emami Naeini, Carnegie Mellon University; Summer Devlin, University of California, Berkeley; Maggie Oates, Chelse Swoopes, Lujo Bauer, Nicolas Christin, and Lorrie Faith Cranor, Carnegie Mellon University
The Effectiveness of Fear Appeals in Increasing Smartphone Locking Behavior among Saudi Arabians
Elham Al Qahtani and Mohamed Shehab, University of North Carolina Charlotte; Abrar Aljohani
Action Needed! Helping Users Find and Complete the Authentication Ceremony in Signal
Elham Vaziripour, Justin Wu, Mark O'Neill, Daniel Metro, Josh Cockrell, Timothy Moffett, Jordan Whitehead, Nick Bonner, Kent Seamons, and Daniel Zappala, Brigham Young University
Informal Support Networks: an investigation into Home Data Security Practices
Norbert Nthala and Ivan Flechais, University of Oxford
Share and Share Alike? An Exploration of Secure Behaviors in Romantic Relationships
Cheul Young Park, Cori Faklaris, Siyan Zhao, Alex Sciuto, Laura Dabbish, and Jason Hong, Carnegie Mellon University
Characterizing the Use of Browser-Based Blocking Extensions To Prevent Online Tracking
Arunesh Mathur, Princeton University; Jessica Vitak, University of Maryland, College Park; Arvind Narayanan and Marshini Chetty, Princeton University
Can Digital Face-Morphs Influence Attitudes and Online Behaviors?
Eyal Peer, Bar-Ilan University; Sonam Samat and Alessandro Acquisti, Carnegie Mellon University
"Privacy is not for me, it's for those rich women": Performative Privacy Practices on Mobile Phones by Women in South Asia
Nithya Sambasivan and Garen Checkley, Google; Amna Batool, Information Technology University; Nova Ahmed, North South University; David Nemer, University of Kentucky; Laura Sanely Gaytán-Lugo, Universidad de Colima; Tara Matthews, Independent Researcher; Sunny Consolvo and Elizabeth Churchill, Google
"You don't want to be the next meme": College Students' Workarounds to Manage Privacy in the Era of Pervasive Photography
Yasmeen Rashidi, Tousif Ahmed, Felicia Patel, Emily Fath, Apu Kapadia, Christena Nippert-Eng, and Norman Makoto Su, Indiana University Bloomington
Away From Prying Eyes: Analyzing Usage and Understanding of Private Browsing
Hana Habib, Jessica Colnago, Vidya Gopalakrishnan, Sarah Pearman, Jeremy Thomas, Alessandro Acquisti, Nicolas Christin, and Lorrie Faith Cranor, Carnegie Mellon University
Online Privacy and Aging of Digital Artifacts
Reham Ebada Mohamed and Sonia Chiasson, Carleton University
"I've Got Nothing to Lose": Consumers' Risk Perceptions and Protective Actions after the Equifax Data Breach
Yixin Zou, Abraham H. Mhaidli, Austin McCall, and Florian Schaub, School of Information, University of Michigan
Data Breaches: User Comprehension, Expectations, and Concerns with Handling Exposed Data
Sowmya Karunakaran, Kurt Thomas, Elie Bursztein, and Oxana Comanescu, Google
User Comfort with Android Background Resource Accesses in Different Contexts
Daniel Votipka and Seth M. Rabin, University of Maryland; Kristopher Micinski, Haverford College; Thomas Gilray, Michelle L. Mazurek, and Jeffrey S. Foster, University of Maryland
Let Me Out! Evaluating the Effectiveness of Quarantining Compromised Users in Walled Gardens
Orçun Çetin, Lisette Altena, Carlos Gañán, and Michel van Eeten, Delft University of Technology
Developers Deserve Security Warnings, Too: On the Effect of Integrated Security Advice on Cryptographic API Misuse
Peter Leo Gorski and Luigi Lo Iacono, Cologne University of Applied Sciences; Dominik Wermke and Christian Stransky, Leibniz University Hannover; Sebastian Möller, Technical University Berlin; Yasemin Acar, Leibniz University Hannover; Sascha Fahl, Ruhr-University Bochum
Security in the Software Development Lifecycle
Hala Assal and Sonia Chiasson, Carleton University
Deception Task Design in Developer Password Studies: Exploring a Student Sample
Alena Naiakshina, Anastasia Danilova, Christian Tiefenau, and Matthew Smith, University of Bonn, Germany
API Blindspots: Why Experienced Developers Write Vulnerable Code
Daniela Seabra Oliveira, Tian Lin, and Muhammad Sajidur Rahman, University of Florida; Rad Akefirad, Auto1 Inc.; Donovan Ellis, Eliany Perez, and Rahul Bobhate, University of Florida; Lois A. DeLong and Justin Cappos, New York University; Yuriy Brun, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Natalie C. Ebner, University of Florida
"If I press delete, it's gone" - User Understanding of Online Data Deletion and Expiration
Ambar Murillo, Andreas Kramm, Sebastian Schnorf, and Alexander De Luca, Google
Programming Experience Might Not Help in Comprehending Obfuscated Source Code Efficiently
Norman Hänsch, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; Andrea Schankin, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Mykolai Protsenko, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security; Felix Freiling and Zinaida Benenson, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
"We make it a big deal in the company": Security Mindsets in Organizations that Develop Cryptographic Products
Julie M. Haney and Mary F. Theofanos, National Institute of Standards and Technology; Yasemin Acar, Leibniz University Hannover; Sandra Spickard Prettyman, Culture Catalyst
A Comparative Usability Study of Key Management in Secure Email
Scott Ruoti, University of Tennessee; Jeff Andersen, Tyler Monson, Daniel Zappala, and Kent Seamons, Brigham Young University
When is a Tree Really a Truck? Exploring Mental Models of Encryption
Justin Wu and Daniel Zappala, Brigham Young University
"It's Scary…It's Confusing…It's Dull": How Cybersecurity Advocates Overcome Negative Perceptions of Security
Julie M. Haney and Wayne G. Lutters, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Introducing the Cybersurvival Task: Assessing and Addressing Staff Beliefs about Effective Cyber Protection
James Nicholson, Lynne Coventry, and Pam Briggs, PaCT Lab, Northumbria University
Ethics Emerging: the Story of Privacy and Security Perceptions in Virtual Reality
Devon Adams, Alseny Bah, and Catherine Barwulor, University of Maryland Baltimore County; Nureli Musaby, James Madison University; Kadeem Pitkin, College of Westchester; Elissa M. Redmiles, University of Maryland

USENIX Security Symposium 2018 (会議のWebサイト)

Better managed than memorized? Studying the Impact of Managers on Password Strength and Reuse
Sanam Ghorbani Lyastani, CISPA, Saarland University; Michael Schilling, Saarland University; Sascha Fahl, Ruhr-University Bochum; Michael Backes and Sven Bugiel, CISPA Helmholtz Center i.G.
Forgetting of Passwords: Ecological Theory and Data
Xianyi Gao, Yulong Yang, Can Liu, Christos Mitropoulos, and Janne Lindqvist, Rutgers University; Antti Oulasvirta, Aalto University
The Rewards and Costs of Stronger Passwords in a University: Linking Password Lifetime to Strength
Ingolf Becker, Simon Parkin, and M. Angela Sasse, University College London
Rethinking Access Control and Authentication for the Home Internet of Things (IoT)
Weijia He, University of Chicago; Maximilian Golla, Ruhr-University Bochum; Roshni Padhi and Jordan Ofek, University of Chicago; Markus Dürmuth, Ruhr-University Bochum; Earlence Fernandes, University of Washington; Blase Ur, University of Chicago
How Do Tor Users Interact With Onion Services?
Philipp Winter, Anne Edmundson, and Laura M. Roberts, Princeton University; Agnieszka Dutkowska-Żuk, Independent; Marshini Chetty and Nick Feamster, Princeton University
Polisis: Automated Analysis and Presentation of Privacy Policies Using Deep Learning
Hamza Harkous, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL); Kassem Fawaz, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Rémi Lebret, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL); Florian Schaub and Kang G. Shin, University of Michigan; Karl Aberer, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
The Battle for New York: A Case Study of Applied Digital Threat Modeling at the Enterprise Level
Rock Stevens, Daniel Votipka, and Elissa M. Redmiles, University of Maryland; Colin Ahern, NYC Cyber Command; Patrick Sweeney, Wake Forest University; Michelle L. Mazurek, University of Maryland
From Patching Delays to Infection Symptoms: Using Risk Profiles for an Early Discovery of Vulnerabilities Exploited in the Wild
Chaowei Xiao and Armin Sarabi, University of Michigan; Yang Liu, Harvard University / UC Santa Cruz; Bo Li, UIUC; Mingyan Liu, University of Michigan; Tudor Dumitras, University of Maryland, College Park
Understanding the Reproducibility of Crowd-reported Security Vulnerabilities
Dongliang Mu, Nanjing University; Alejandro Cuevas, The Pennsylvania State University; Limin Yang and Hang Hu, Virginia Tech; Xinyu Xing, The Pennsylvania State University; Bing Mao, Nanjing University; Gang Wang, Virginia Tech
Plug and Prey? Measuring the Commoditization of Cybercrime via Online Anonymous Markets
Rolf van Wegberg and Samaneh Tajalizadehkhoob, Delft University of Technology; Kyle Soska, Carnegie Mellon University; Ugur Akyazi, Carlos Hernandez Ganan, and Bram Klievink, Delft University of Technology; Nicolas Christin, Carnegie Mellon University; Michel van Eeten, Delft University of Technology
Reading Thieves' Cant: Automatically Identifying and Understanding Dark Jargons from Cybercrime Marketplaces
Kan Yuan, Haoran Lu, Xiaojing Liao, and XiaoFeng Wang, Indiana University Bloomington
Schrödinger’s RAT: Profiling the Stakeholders in the Remote Access Trojan Ecosystem
Mohammad Rezaeirad, George Mason University; Brown Farinholt, University of California, San Diego; Hitesh Dharmdasani, Informant Networks; Paul Pearce, University of California, Berkeley; Kirill Levchenko, University of California, San Diego; Damon McCoy, New York University
The aftermath of a crypto-ransomware attack at a large academic institution
Leah Zhang-Kennedy, University of Waterloo, Stratford Campus; Hala Assal, Jessica Rocheleau, Reham Mohamed, Khadija Baig, and Sonia Chiasson, Carleton University



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