
September 17th (Day 1), 2024

Time (JST) Session Content
09:30–09:45 Opening

Keynote I

Session Chair: Kazuhiko Minematsu

The First PQC Standards

Dr. Dustin Moody (National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST))

10:45–11:05 Break

Session 1: Authenticated Encryption

Session Chair: Eik List

Bit-wise Analysis for Forgery Attacks on AES-based AEAD Schemes

Takuro Shiraya, Kosei Sakamoto and Takanori Isobe

Cryptanalysis of Authenticated Encryption Modes for Wireless and Real-Time Systems

Alexander Bille and Elmar Tischhauser

11:55–13:30 Lunch

Keynote II

Session Chair: Kazuhiko Minematsu

Automated Analysis for Pushing Performance Limits in Symmetric-Key Cryptography

Prof. Thomas Peyrin (Nanyang Technological University (NTU))

14:30–14:40 Break

Session 2: Vulnerability

Session Chair: Nobuyuki Sugio

Race condition vulnerabilities in WordPress plug-ins

Rin Miyachi, Konan Nagashima and Taiichi Saito

Finding (and exploiting) vulnerabilities on IP Cameras: the Tenda CP3 case study

Dario Stabili, Filip Valgimigli, Tobia Bocchi and Mirco Marchetti

15:30–15:40 Break

Session 3: Symmetric-key Cryptanalysis

Session Chair: Akiko Inoue

Higher-order Mixture Differentials for AES-based Block Ciphers and Applications to TweAES

Eik List

Weak Keys of the Full MISTY1 Recovered in Practical Time

Bungo Taga, Takako Okano and Norimitsu Ito

16:30–17:50 Poster & Break

Welcome Reception

Venue: Banquet Hall Swan

September 18th (Day 2), 2024

Time (JST) Session Content

Session 4: Protocols

Session Chair: Atsushi Takayasu

Efficient Card-Based Protocols with a Standard Deck of Playing Cards Using Partial Opening

Yoshiaki Honda and Kazumasa Shinagawa

Attribute-Based Inner Product Functional Encryption in Key-Policy Setting from Pairing

Anushree Belel and Ratna Dutta

09:50–10:20 Poster & Break

Session 4: Malware Countermeasure

Session Chair: Dario Stabili

File System Shield (FSS): A Pass-Through Strategy Against Unwanted Encryption in Network File Systems

Arash Mahboubi, Seyit Camtepe, Ansari Keyvan, Marcin Pawlowski, Pawel Morawiecki, Josef Pieprzyk and Jarek Duda

Implementation for Malicious Software using ChatGPT-4

Nobuyuki Sugio and Hokuto Ito

A Markov Game Model for Evaluating Cybersecurity Attacks on Cloud

Hooman Alavizadeh, Julian Jang-Jaccard, Hootan Alavizadeh and Tansu Alpcan

11:25–11:30 Short Break

Keynote III

Session Chair: Mamoru Mimura

Securely Working with Confidential Data: Threats and Mitigations across Layers from Infrastructure to AI Models

Prof. Andreas Rauber (Vienna University of Technology and Vienna Scientific Cluster Research Center)

12:30– Lunch & Excursion

September 19th (Day 3), 2024

Time (JST) Session Content

Session 6: Analysis of Public-key Cryptosystems

Session Chair: Yoshinori Aono

Formal Verification of Emulated Floating-Point Arithmetic in Falcon

Vincent Hwang

Experimental Analysis of Integer Factorization Methods Using Lattices

Arata Sato, Aurélien Auzemery, Akira Katayama and Masaya Yasuda

Sieving Method for SDP with the Zero Window: An Improvement in Low Memory Environments

Naoki Yoshiguchi, Yusuke Aikawa and Tsuyoshi Takagi


SCIS & CSS Session

Session Chair: Naoto Yanai

Divide-and-Conquer SAT for Exploring Optimal Differential Characteristics of AES and Camellia (from SCIS 2024 Innovation paper award)

Kazuma Taka (University of Hyogo), Kosei Sakamoto (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation), Ryoma Ito (NICT), Rentaro Shiba (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation), Sion Utsumi (University of Hyogo), and Takanori Isobe (University of Hyogo)

Malware Lineage Based on Surface Information using Multi-Task Learning (from CSS 2023 Best paper award)

Takato Ikezawa (The University of Electro-Communications), Ko Nakagawa (FFRI Security, Inc.), Yuki Mogi (FFRI Security, Inc.), Hiromitsu Oshiba (FFRI Security, Inc.), and Masatsugu Ichino (The University of Electro-Communications)

11:00–11:20 Break

Session 7: Network Security and Privacy

Session Chair: Arash Mahboubi

Few Edges Are Enough: Few-Shot Network Attack Detection with Graph Neural Networks

Tristan Bilot, Nour El Madhoun, Khaldoun Al Agha and Anis Zouaoui

Information Leakage through Packet Lengths in RTC Traffic

Jaiden Fairoze and Peitong Duan

A Study on Anonymization through Participation in iPWS Cup 2023

Kabuto Okajima and Koji Chida

12:30–12:45 Closing
13:00–14:00 Lunch

September 20th (Post-event), 2024

Time (JST) Session Content
10:00–14:00 (Reception from 9:30)

Session : iPWS Cup 2024

* Registration is required separately from IWSEC 2024.

Contest Summary

Talks by excellent teams

* Speakers will be announced on iPWS Cup 2024 website.

Award ceremony

Open discussion with lunch in the afternoon

Accepted Papers

Track A

  • Vincent Hwang

    Formal Verification of Emulated Floating-Point Arithmetic in Falcon

  • Arata Sato, Aurelien Auzemery, Akira Katayama and Masaya Yasuda

    Experimental analysis of integer factorization methods using lattices

  • Naoki Yoshiguchi, Yusuke Aikawa and Tsuyoshi Takagi

    Sieving Method for SDP with the Zero Window: An Improvement in Low Memory Environments

  • Bungo Taga, Takako Okano and Norimitsu Ito

    Weak Keys of the Full MISTY1 Recovered in Practical Time

  • Alexander Bille and Elmar Tischhauser

    Cryptanalysis of Authenticated Encryption Modes for Wireless and Real-Time Systems

  • Takuro Shiraya, Kosei Sakamoto and Takanori Isobe

    Bit-wise Analysis for Forgery Attacks on AES-based AEAD Schemes

  • Yoshiaki Honda and Kazumasa Shinagawa

    Efficient Card-Based Protocols with a Standard Deck of Playing Cards Using Partial Opening

  • Eik List

    Higher-order Mixture Differentials for AES-based Block Ciphers and Applications to TweAES

  • Anushree Belel and Ratna Dutta

    Attribute-Based Inner Product Functional Encryption in Key-Policy Setting from Pairing

Track B

  • Tristan Bilot, Nour El Madhoun, Khaldoun Al Agha and Anis Zouaoui

    Few Edges Are Enough: Few-Shot Network Attack Detection with Graph Neural Networks

  • Dario Stabili, Filip Valgimigli, Tobia Bocchi and Mirco Marchetti

    Finding (and exploiting) vulnerabilities on IP Cameras: the Tenda CP3 case study

  • Arash Mahboubi, Seyit Camtepe, Ansari Keyvan, Marcin Pawlowski, Pawel Morawiecki, Josef Pieprzyk and Jarek Duda

    File System Shield (FSS): A Pass-Through Strategy Against Unwanted Encryption in Network File Systems

  • Rin Miyachi, Konan Nagashima and Taiichi Saito

    Race condition vulnerabilities in WordPress plug-ins

  • Jaiden Fairoze and Peitong Duan

    Information Leakage through Packet Lengths in RTC Traffic

  • Hooman Alavizadeh, Julian Jang-Jaccard, Hootan Alavizadeh and Tansu Alpcan

    (Short paper) A Markov Game Model for Evaluating Cybersecurity Attacks on Cloud

  • Nobuyuki Sugio and Hokuto Ito

    (Short paper) Implementation for malwares using ChatGPT

  • Kabuto Okajima and Koji Chida

    (Short paper) A Study on Anonymization through Participation in iPWS Cup 2023

Accepted Posters

  • Usable Human-Computer Interaction with ID Card despite System Risks

    Sven Wohlgemuth, Kazuo Takaragi, Katsuyuki Umezawa and Takashi Kubota

  • Real-Time Detection of DDoS Flood Attacks on IoT Devices Using Power Side-Channel Signals

    Qingyu Zeng, Yunpei Xiao, Mingyu Yang and Yuko Hara

  • Quantum Algorithm for Solving Underdetermined Multivariate Quadratic Problem

    Kyoga Inoue and Atsushi Takayasu

  • Efficient Revocable Identity-Based Encryption from Middle-Product LWE

    Takumi Nishimura and Atsushi Takayasu

  • Partial Key Exposure Attacks on UOV and Its Variants

    Yuki Seto, Hiroki Furue and Atsushi Takayasu

  • Access Structure Hiding Verifiable Tensor Designs

    Anandarup Roy, Bimal Roy, Suprita Talnikar and Kouichi Sakurai

  • A Secret Sharing Application on a Smart Public Transportation Model

    Suprita Talnikar, Anandarup Roy, Kouichi Sakurai and Bimal Roy

  • Identity-Based Matchmaking Encryption Revisited: Improved Constructions with Strong Security

    Sohto Chiku, Keitaro Hashimoto, Keisuke Hara and Junji Shikata

  • Towards Efficient Logic Locking with Provable Security

    Tomoki Ono, Haruka Hirata, Kyoichi Asano, Mingyu Yang, Yohei Watanabe, Yuko Hara and Mitsugu Iwamoto

  • Reference Model for Differential Privacy (RMDP)

    Dmitry Prokhorenkov

  • Performance Evaluation of Verkle Trees in Smart Contracts

    Rio Kanehiro, Yohei Watanabe and Mitsugu Iwamoto

  • Faster Deniable Fully Homomorphic Encryption Using TFHE

    Towa Toyooka, Yohei Watanabe and Mitsugu Iwamoto

  • Multi-Party Computation for Large-Scale Parties in the Real World

    Kota Sugimoto, Yohei Watanabe and Mitsugu Iwamoto

  • Preliminary Study on Enhancing PUF-Based Authentication with an Improved Arbiter PUF Construction Model

    Rizka Reza Pahlevi, Hirokazu Hasegawa, Yukiko Yamaguchi and Hajime Shimada

  • Impacts of Pseudo-Random Number Generator on Side-channel Attack Resistance of TI-AES

    Yusaku Harada, Maki Tsukahara, Daiki Miyahara, Yang Li, Yuko Hara and Kazuo Sakiyama

  • Towards Defining a New Security Model for Private Set Intersection

    Yugo Kasashima, Kota Sugimoto, Yohei Watanabe and Mitsugu Iwamoto

  • Combine Lattice Attack with Correlation Power Analysis: Application on CRYSTALS-Kyber

    Yen-Ting Kuo and Atsushi Takayasu

  • Shipworm Adventures : Secure I/O Tunneling for Interrupt Management in Armv9 CCA

    Jihwan Jeon and Haehyun Cho

  • Analysis of the Relationship between Indistinguishability and Semantic Security for Searchable Symmetric Encryption

    Kazuki Sato, Takumi Amada, Kyoichi Asano, Yohei Watanabe and Mitsugu Iwamoto

  • An Unobtrusive Method of White-Box Watermarking for Copyright Protection in Deep Neural Networks

    Yuzhang Chen, Jiangnan Zhu, Yujie Gu and Kouichi Sakurai

  • Machine Learning -based Cyber Security Update Automation System

    Jung-Hyun Woo and Kwang-Man Ko