PWS Cup 2021


What' new

Documents for participating teams

Rules (overview)


In the story of PWS Cup 2021, we intend to provide health data that contain diagnostic outcomes to researchers who study to predict risks of acquiring diabetes.
The data contain records that include extreme high body-mass index (BMI).
In the anonymization phase, each participating team of the PWS Cup 2021 anonymizes health data in order to prevent identifying medical examinees.
In the attack phase, each team checks whether anonymized data generated by other teams include their team's records or not. Once the inclusion is detected, identify the record from the anonymized data.
The winner of the PWS Cup 2021 will be a team that generated the most secure and useful health data.



PWS Committee in the Computer Security Special Interest Group of the Information Processing Society of Japan
(PWS Cup 2021 is a co-located workshop with the Computer Security Symposium 2021.)

PWS Cup 2021 Schedule (JST)

The schedule is subject to change without notice.


How to participate the PWS Cup 2021

Check the Entry page

Participating teams

Team Comment Leader Affiliation
内気ジャッカル - -
麦わら海賊団 初心者ながらベストを尽くしたいと思います。 吉田伸弥 -
大崎KG 頑張ります。 - -
Erhoehts 「エルヘーツ」と読みます - -
宮地研.exe 初参加ですが頑張ります - -
Data Protection Club - -
ステテコfishy 勝ちます 伊藤聡志 明治大学
めたぼっち 減量しながらがんばります! 井口誠 Kii株式会社
Abyssec 成田惇 静岡大学
たけのこ医院 頑張ります - -
みどりぐみ - -
匿工野郎Aチーム 長谷川慶太 -
なし あまり当てられないように頑張ります - -





The Best Presentation Award

Result details (Japanese)

PWS Cup 2021 session


From the following links, you can download poster files (in Japanese) of teams that kindly agreed to publish.

Privacy Policy

Check PWS Cup 2021 Privacy Policy.


PWS Cup Official Twitter


PWS Cup 2021 Working Group in the PWS Committee